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for A conscious relationship with Mother earth

utia'al naach' le na'at éet na' lu'um

ICH-KI strives to be in harmony with nature and Mother Earth. This is a practice in consciousness that involves ourselves and all travellers visiting us. We can learn from one another and see where we can apply new, more conscious ways of doing things in our daily lives, creating a ripple effect for the good of Mother Earth that can touch our loved 1s, friends, relatives and fellow travellers.


Our ecological project consists of the following core activities:


Implementation of ancient Maya building techniques in combination with modern day's green technology to make our ecological footprint as small as possible. We approach this in a holistic matter for example by using preferably organic material, construction works with man power instead of machinery (which also helps the local economy), solar energy, using pure, untreated water from ICH-Ki's well to water plants, clean and bathe, and even with the meals that we offer that are either vegetarian or vegan.


Creation and maintenance of a botanical garden, with a range of local and national trees and plants with medicinal or practical use. For some rare species such as the Kanisté and Bonete we take our responsibility in ensure their survival and distribution and participate in ensuring a diverse bio-atmosphere of this region. By placing name tags in both the Mayan languanges as other languages and by explaining the properties of each tree or plant, we aim to make children and adults enthusiastic about nature. For this end, collaborations with local primary and secondary schools are being set up.


Ongoing investigation in harmonizing a modern way of life meanwhile continiously decreasing the need for plastics, non-natural products and other consumer goods.


Organic agriculture and small citric fruit plantation for healthy food, nutricous drinks as well as a happy planet :)


Have a look at ICH-KI's plan of ecological commitment to learn more about the techniques and procedures that we apply -------------------------->



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