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Maya esoterics & more

The Mayan were known for their extensive, supernatural knowledge about time and time in space.

Based on their knowledge and observations they created the Tzolkin, the most sacred calendar in a system of 17(!) different calendars. The Tzolkin shows us that every day has its own specific energy, being a small link in an immensely progressive development. As the same goes for years, the Mayans knew how to predict or verify future happenings and those in the distant past.
Following the universal law "as above, so below", they fiercely investigated the secrets behind the hidden veil of life in this universe, both doing this from above downward which resulted in their calendars and geometric structures, but also from down upward as reflected in the way their life was arranged around the orchard.


Below conferences and teachings can be followed at our center, but can be an addition to any spiritual event on location. All activities are suitable for small and big groups, varying in duration and preferred entry level


The Mayan Calendar

Learn how the 13 Moon Calendar based on the Mayan Tzolk'in works, about your Soul's path in this life with your Galactic Signature and h ow to implement this calendar in your daily life


The Maya & the Essenes

(Interactive) Conference about the Transformation of Mother Earth as from 2012 + the role of the Maya and the Essenes




Grounding Meditation

Get acquainted with the chakras and participate in a guided meditation to connect with Mother Earth and then energize your chakras



The Origins of Mankind

Conference with surprising conclusion drawn from knowledge of Sumerian clay tablets about the Anunnaki, Darwin's missing link and the church's role from historical perspective


Basics of Spirituality

Popular incentive that touches the surface of various spiritual practices, such as how to meditate, proof of the power of thought, etc.



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The Mayan Milpa: Navel of the Universe

Illustrative conference about the Mayan orchard as the central viewpoint for understanding the functioning of the universe

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